Thursday, April 9, 2009

Answers to Hanna

Well I was just recently asked some questions that apparently have been overlooked in my blog and I feel the need to answer some of them, just so you can get a better sense of what's going on back here. If you send me questions, I'll try and answer them, but for most you'll have to wait back home to hear responses on. Anyways, here goes answers to "Questions from Hanna."

What's your day like?
Everyday I wake up at 6:24, one minute before my alarm goes off, get up, and get ready for school, (which i assume was what you meant by my day like.) I get to school at 6:45 and study and or goof off until 8 when the teachers come into the classes and collect our homework before heading out again and coming back at 8:10 to start our first chinese class. This, for me, is with Li Laoshi. At 9 we have a ten minute break before continuing on with my favorite teachers class, Shen Laoshi. This is the second Chinese class of the day and at 10 it ends before we head out for a 25 minute break before starting our other classes. These classes include English, Free, History and Calculus. Mondays and Thursdays my free is a tutoring session with one of my Chinese teachers. I gossip with Shen Laoshi in Chinese for the whole time, while he teaches me the words I need to know to gossip correctly. Li Laoshi makes me read newspapers and blogs... with great difficulty. Chinese History Class is occasionally in Chinese, and it's an awesome course. We discuss every aspect of the history. We started fairly late on though, just because Chinese history is so vast. So far we've done from the Qing dynasty to now. English is a junior level english course so I zone out more often than I should, and Calculus is always fun. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, we have Chinese Society and Culture with Mr. Bissell (Bi Laoshi) and discuss the issues in China as well as other going ons. After his class on thursday I have Wushu, (martial arts,) where we've studied hand to hand combat, spears and swords. I'm becoming a regular martial artist... in my dreams. Weekends vary from week to week. Lately though, I've been spending a lot of time with Karina, though I always make time for one guys night out with Chris, Warren or Gavin. Answering this particular question has been particularly nostalgic, mainly because today marks the last day of classes... I'm on the verge of tears. I don't want it to end.

Do people treat you differently than they did at the beginning of the year?
Chinese people I assume? Yes. They are like wow your Chinese is good! and then we have a conversation, like people, instead of like an adult with a baby, me being the baby. In school? Yes, Shen Laoshi and I have become good friends, (we went to lunch together today,) and practically everyone in the school gets along with everyone else. It's like having one giant family that's endured and persevered through some of the most amazing experiences together.

Is cafeteria food just as sucky as it is here?
Yes... if not more so. Occasionally it's good, but I grow weary of the cafeteria food. So I go out 4 out of the 5 school days a week, either to Chengdu Meishi or Taiping Jiaozi Guanr.

What will I miss? Not miss?
What will I miss? I had to repeat that for emphasis... I will miss everything. There isn't one thing that I would change about this year. It has been perfect. It was the best experience of my life.

Anyways, I hope that clarified some of the things that I might've overlooked. If you have other questions just ask away.


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